With over a decade of experience working in politics, I know what it takes to persuade voters. Managing field programs, talking to undecided voters, building relationships with activists – that’s been my job for years. I ran Bernie Sanders field operation in New Hampshire and joined the national field team after winning New Hampshire in the primary by 22.4 points. I’ve been involved in Senate, congressional and local races as well. I ran for State Representative in Ohio in 2004, worked for two different members of Congress, worked on one US Senate race and I’ve worked on issue campaigns dealing with the environment and electoral reform. In these capacities, I have had thousands of conversations with undecided voters and diehard activists. I’ve trained organizers how to have these conversations in a way that is persuasive and engaging.
I say this only to show my perspective which may reveal some of my bias. This is important when discussing individual bias and bias in politics. I’m biased. You are biased. We all are biased. We are biased in different ways that has an effect on what we read, who we believe, what we watch and how we think. I hope we can understand that bias isn’t something to hide from, but something we can learn about ourselves.